Cucumber benefits and nutritional content - Cucumber, cucumbers, or cucumbers are plants that produce edible fruit. The fruit is usually harvested when ripe yet to be vegetables or toners, depending on the species.
Nutritional Content of Cucumber
Cucumbers are easy to cultivate, has a wide range of content in it that can be useful for health and beauty. In the 100 mg cucumbers were examined, it was found that some content such as:
Energy about 15 kcal
Carbohydrates 3.63 g
Protein amounted to 0.65 gr
Folate by 7 mg
Calcium by 16 mg
Magnesium is 13 mg
Sodium and potassium by 2 mg and 147 mg
Vitamin A, C, E, K each as much as 105 IU, 2.8 mg, 0:03 mg, 16.4 mg
In order to get a good cucumber fruit so that it has maximum benefits not only for health but also for beauty and facial skin, there are several ways to select and store cucumber properly.
The first is, choose a fresh cucumber when selecting in the supermarket or in the market, which can be marked with a bright green color and has a firm texture and also solid.
The second is, choose cucumbers that there are no defects and should not choose too ripe cucumbers are cucumbers that are yellow because they contain soluble fiber which can be easily and seeds that have been hard.
Name area: Bonteng, katimun (Sunda); cucumber, temon, antemon, Boyuk (Java); Dimu, Timu, kadingir, Kariri, Karere, daka, koto (Sumatra); Kimuni, ancimun, Cimen, ansimun, Melike, laiseu (Sumatra); Betiak, betik, cucumber (Kalimantan), Suai, bojo (Sulawesi). What other names cucumber in your area?
Benefits Cucumber for Health and Medicine
Inevitably cucumber indeed has long been used as food for good health. Even our ancestors to make this cucumber as a traditional herb for the treatment of certain diseases. Here we describe the benefits of cucumber to health and medicine.
Diarrhea in children
To treat a child with diarrhea, take 1 piece of cucumber was washed, boiled, mashed, strain. Honey and drink the water. Perform routine so that your child diarrhea quickly disappear.
To treat hypertension, 2 cucumbers washed, grated, squeezed. Drinking water 2-3 times a day. The second way, 150 grams of cucumber boiled, filtered, water is taken. Do it every day on a regular basis.
Acne, smooth the skin, remove the black stains
Cucumber blended and dilaburkan to face for the mask. Allow to dry, then rinse. How to eliminate other acne, skin cucumber rubbed into the skin of the face, let dry, then rinse.
Preventing kidney disease
For those of you who megalami symptoms of kidney disease, do not be tolerated. Do prevention early as possible by utilizing a cucumber. Way, take 3 pieces of cucumber and boil until soft, squeeze and drinking water three times a day. Eating too dregs as a friend to eat rice.
Dysentery usually affects children from consuming food contaminated by a kind of amoeba, due to the snack at random. But do not panic, take 1-2 cucumber washed, chopped, soaked in honey. Eat a few times.
Thrush is not a deadly disease, but should not be allowed because it could be getting worse by the day. Take 1-2 cucumbers old washed, peeled, sliced. Eating a little more each day. Perform routine until canker sores disappear. Read also articles specifically about how to treat canker sores.
Take 1 cucumber washed, shredded, give eau de cologne, and then wrap it with a handkerchief, put on the forehead with fever. Or it could be grated cucumber dipopokan on his stomach with fever.
Typhus / Tipes / thypus
Other diseases that can be treated with cucumber is typhoid. This is thanks to one of the properties of cucumber that is cool stomach. The trick, two grated cucumber medium size, and the water is squeezed and drunk. Do it three times a day.
inflammation of the kidneys
3 Provide a large cucumber, washed and boiled with 2 cups water until tender. Once cool, squeeze the juice and drunk. Symptoms include fever kidney inflammation, blood in the urine, rash, nausea and vomiting, confusion, fatigue / drowsiness, fall or rise in the volume of urine, swelling of the members of the body, as well as weight gain due to fluid buildup.
Benefits Cucumber for Beauty
In the world of beauty, cucumber has the benefit that can be felt by everyone using cucumber as a mask. That is because the cucumber has dpat compounds that prevent free radicals that would avoid damage to the skin.