Benefits Asam Jawa for Health - Plant tamarind or who has a latin name Tamarindus indica belong to the plants bear fruit pods. The pods of the tamarind containing various levels of compounds such as succinic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, sour apple, sour grapes, ectin and invert sugar. In addition, every 100 grams of tamarind pods, you will get a lot of nutrition, among others: 2.8 gram protein, calories by 239 cal, 0.6 grams fat, 74 milligrams of calcium, carbohydrate 62.5 milligrams, mumpung have plenty of time. Enough seed coat of tamarind pods contain phlobatannin and albuminoid and starch in the seed.
Tamarind normally known as one of the herbs or traditional drinks. Flesh unusual to preserve the taste of food, sweets, jelly, and serve warm drinks refreshing. Tamarind can also be used to clean a variety of items made of metals that change color to black. The contents of tamarind such as potassium, magnesium, beta carotene, vitamin C, and antidioksidan, can take care of your skin beauty.
There are many benefits of tamarind for beauty, especially the human body skin care. Tamarind can be processed into scrub to brighten your skin. Tamarind fruit flesh beforehand dissolved in warm water and give a little bit of turmeric powder. The water solution can you make scrubs. Was rubbing gently scrub the tamarind on the surface of your skin, then set aside some time to scrub seep into the pores of the skin. Rinse clean and your skin will look brighter some level, clean, and radiant.
In addition to brighten the skin, tamarind also able to lift dead skin cells containing AHAs or Alpha Hydroxy Acids contained in tamarind pulp. Mix salt with a little yogurt and tamarind pulp, make the mixture as a mask to the skin with a massage while quietly so dead skin cells are easy to lift. Let stand for a while before rinsing clean. That's one of the benefits of tamarind to face.
Cellulite is disturbing because it is on the skin surface can eliminate with tamarind. Make a mixture of tamarind pulp, lemon juice, sugar, and a little baking soda as a mask cellulite on the skin surface. When applying this mask, do not forget to massage with circled movement. Before rinsing with clean water, let stand for a moment the mask to dry. All types of skin care by using tamarind will automatically provide moisturizing effect at once gentle on your skin so the skin no longer feels dry and rough.
Tamarind was also believed to treat the scalp. Before you shampoo, is recommended for massaging your head with sour fruit that has been cooked. Then rinse with clean and you can only regular shampooing with a shampoo. This venture is a form of tamarind benefit in strengthening the roots of the hair and prevent hair loss.
Tamarind can also accelerate wound healing of the skin is usual with glue on the wound, tamarind leaves that have been chewed until creamed. In addition to the usual wound types of ulcers, tamarind is also able to treat ulcerative lesions. Mash some of the seeds from the fruit tamarind until smooth, then paste the result of the collision on the wound over the wound, then bandage lah, while for eczema and boils, you need to pound fine a handful of tamarind leaves are still young and do not turn yellow or dry out , two turmeric. Paste the result of collisions on the sick.
Skin swelling stung by a bee or centipedes later when left worried about the infection. Therefore, you can grind fine of three to five pieces of tamarind with eucalyptus oil to taste. Sprinkle or paste the body parts are snapped with the results of earlier collision. If you have allergies, you can drink at least twice a day, every morning and afternoon, a drink made from two to three pods tamarind fairly old, with a quarter spoon mixing whiting and a little salt. The mixture is boiled in three cups of water to boil and reduced the volume of water into two glasses. Strain and drink 2 times a day.
In terms of health, tamarind has many more benefits. For minor ailments such as upset stomach, you can take three tamarind pods are ripe right, then mixed evenly with whiting and eucalyptus oil as needed. The ingredients are mixed can you make as a liniment naturally on your abdomen. But it can also with three tamarind pods brewed with palm sugar, filtered, and then drunk.
Other ailments that can be cured with tamarind is thrush. Although lightweight, sores really disturbing. You can boil one cup of water with two tamarind pods, two thumb-sized ginger rhizome and the fruit of palm sugar.
The contents of tamarind others also have benefits that are very important for the body. The content of tamarind in the form of magnesium is very good for maintaining bone strength you better. Vitamin B contained tamarind also able to help your nervous system to work properly. While constipation can be prevented by owned fiber by tamarind. Meanwhile, potassium or potassium can control your blood pressure, and the contents were also so well.
Benefits of tamarind far only known as herbs or mix fresh drinks. But apparently, the efficacy of the fruit of the same name with the taste is far greater than we know.