Carrots Ingredients and Benefits for Health - Carrots which has the Latin name Daucus carota is vegetable plants are grown throughout the year. Especially in mountainous areas that have cold temperatures and humid, more or less at an altitude of 1200 ineter above sea level. Plant carrots mernbutuhkan sunlight and can turnbuh on sernua season. Carrots have a wet leaf stems that form a set frond (leaf stalk) arising out of the fruit base (root tuber), like celery leaves. Carrots like loose soil and fertile.
According to botanists, carrots (Daucus carota) can be divided into several types, including: CARROT (Daucus carota, Linn.) - The type of imperator, the carrots that have a root tuber length with a tapered tip and taste less sweet. - Chantenang kind, ie carrots which have a root tuber elliptical and tastes sweet. - Mantes kind, ie carrots kornbinasi result of a kind of carrot imperator and chantenang. Bulbs typical orange colored carrot root.
Local Name:
Carrot (England), Carotte (French), carrot (Netherlands); Wortel (Indonesia), Bortol (Sunda), carrots, Ortel (Madura); Carrots, Wortol, Wertol, Wertel, Bortol (Java);
Nutritional content in 100 grams Carrots:
Vitamin A SI 12000
calories 42 calories
1.2 grams protein
0.3 grams fat
9.3 grams carbohydrate
Calcium 39 mg
phosphorus 37 milligrams
0.8 milligrams of iron
0.06 milligrams of vitamin B 1
6 milligrams of vitamin C
Carrots For Health Benefits
Carrots are not only used as a vegetable for cooking. But also carrots can be used as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases. Here are the benefits of carrots for health and how to use it:
1. Seizures Heart
Ingredients: carrot root, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1 piece of palm sugar;
Method: carrots grated and squeezed with 2 cups of water, then mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed;
How to use: drink 1 a day.
2. Eczema
a. Ingredients: 1 carrot root and 1 teaspoon of whiting;
Method: grated carrot and dicarnpur with whiting until evenly;
How to use: put on the sick and wrapped with bandages.
b. Ingredients: 3 carrots bulbs;
Method: grated and brewed with 2 cups cooking water;
How to use: drink 2 times a day.
3. pinworms
Ingredients: 5-7 tubers carrots, salt and coconut milk to taste;
Method: grated carrot, and then combined with other materials;
How to use: squeezed and filtered, then taken at bedtime.
4. Eye Minus
Ingredients: carrot root to taste;
How to make: grated and squeezed to take water;
How to use: diminurn regularly every morning.