Benefits Leek - You must have seen the leek in the refrigerator or your home kitchen. This leaf is often used as a flavoring dishes. As you know, leeks have different forms of plants in general, it has a shape like a rod but very soft texture. Apparently there are two types of leaves you can find semprong namely leeks or daffodils, in Latin, he is often referred to as allium fistulosum. The second type is leek leek or leek in Latin he has called allium porrum. Both have very different characteristics. To scallion bulbs semprong he has small, rounded leaves and long, onions semprong also has a hole like a pipe. As for leek, he has no bulb.
Leek for Health Benefits
Since its inception, the benefits of leeks is already well known. In addition leek is used for cooking menyedapkan, it turns out leeks also has a function as a drug. So what kind of properties and benefits of this leek?
Abatement anemia
Leeks have an iron content which can increase the production of blood inside the body. If you are experiencing a shortage of blood, you can try to consume these green onion. The content of ferroportin in leeks that hold the iron. When pengonsumsian, you can add them in the soup.
Boost the immune system
The main benefit that you can feel from the leek, it is able to boost the immune system. The bottom of the onion that has a white color has allicin content. Allicin is the compound that gives the sharp smell of sulfur in the scallions. These compounds are able to boost the immune system.
Good for the heart
Leeks are well known to nourish the heart. It contains polysulfides that will protect you from heart disease. This vegetable has a variety of benefits because it contains a lot of minerals. The minerals that are in it have the function of maintaining the HDL or good cholesterol levels in the body. Other minerals will also be there to make the heart healthier.
Maintaining bone strength
Vitamin K, was also there in leeks. Vitamin K is extremely important for maintaining bone health, it can help the regulation of the cell, and helps prevent bone demineralization. It also helps for their production of a protein that is often called osteocalcin, which is so important as a guard in bone mineral density that are not easily occur in the bones of various diseases.
healthy digestion
Why leeks can be healthy digestion? This is because fiber is so good in the scallions. As we know, the fiber has benefits for treating constipation. So, when you are constipated, you can consume a little more green onion.
preventing diabetes
Leeks contain phyto-chemicals, phyto-chemicals are allium and allyl disulfide, it has properties of preventing diabetes. Substances that this one is very effective to prevent degradation of insulin in the body and improve glucose metabolism. Therefore, there are no special restrictions for diabetics to consume leeks.
Do you know the content of the green color is in leeks? It turned out that the color green is to have a good anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory, and for the white part of the leek, it has the properties to protect the body from infection that often affects the body.